Improving Health Literacy for Family Planning Patients and Providers Webinar

Providing client-centered care is at the core of what family planning providers do, including providing information for clients clearly and in an understandable way. In this one-hour webinar, Sabrina Kurtz-Rossi, Assistant Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine, helps participants consider how health literacy and numeracy factors into verbal communication (e.g., explaining procedures, options available, next steps) and apply plain language principles to creating and selecting written materials that are accessible to all patients. By the end of the webinar, participants were able to:
- Discuss the impact low health literacy has on patient access to reproductive health information and services, health outcomes and health equity.
- Describe strategies for communicating in an understandable manner and checking for understanding so patients can make informed decisions about their health care.
- Identify plain language principles for creating and/or selecting educational tools and resources that are accessible to all patients, including those with limited health literacy.
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March 19, 2025
Fiscal Staff Affinity Group
April 17, 2025
Health Educator Affinity Group